Oil and gas products play an important role in every economy in which they operate. As such, security has always been and continues to be a priority across the oil and gas industry. The petroleum industry is subject to multiple threats.
Organizations operating in the oil and gas sector face enormous challenges related to security concerns. These concerns include potential risks with the products they produce, store and transport. At the same time, they face serious and growing risks from cyber-attacks, malicious software, and other threats against their IT infrastructure and intellectual property.
This course is aimed at providing an awareness of security risks and effective management issues associated with today’s oil and gas industry.
- Agenda
- Audience
- Technical Information
Day 1
Oil And Gas Critical Infrastructures
- Sector Vulnerabilities and Security Risks
- Fundamentals of upstream security
- Elements of a Secure Oil and Gas Infrastructure
On day 1, participants will gain an understanding of the security issues found in today’s oil and gas industry. The requirements and challenges of modern security systems will be reviewed to provide an awareness of the risks and mitigation measures utilized. The essential elements required to ensure a secure infrastructure will be addressed.
Day 2
Security Solutions in Oil and Gas
- Secure operating systems
- Data and Network Access protection
- Security audits
On day 2, security associated with operating systems in the oil and gas industry will be addressed while paying particular attention to data and intellectual property protection. The elements and role of security audits will be reviewed. Case studies will be used to enforce the topics covered.
Day 3
Security Risk Management
- Oil and Gas Safety Management Issues
- Best Practices In Security Management
- Training and awareness
This course is mainly targeted to all employees working in the oil and gas industry.
Delivery type: Classroom
Provider: TPL
Possible Instructors: Fully qualified and certified TPL instructor with a minimum of 15 years instructor experience to international delegates in client or offsite locations.
Level: Skill
Course Version: 0
Length: 3 days
Skills Needed to
Take Course (pre-requisites): Anyone taking this course should have some exposure to an oil and gas facility terminology.