Each and every person within your organization has associated roles and responsibilities. It is only through a competent workforce that the goals of your organization can be achieved. Competency is a mix of:
- Having the underpinning knowledge to perform a task.
- Having the necessary skills to complete a task.
- Having the necessary work ethics and personal attributes, such as attitude, when completing a task.
Competency Assurance addresses both normal and abnormal conditions that may arise during
your organization’s day to day activities. TPL can help your organization in both attaining and
maintaining a competent workforce through our:
- Competency Assurance Program Development.
- Train the Assessor Program.
- Train the Mentor Program.
- Supply of Workplace Assessors.
- Competency Assurance Audits.
Competency Assurance Program Development
TPL builds a competency assurance program specific to the requirements of the client. Upon completion of a task analysis, TPL will develop a roadmap for each designated job function based on procedural and non-procedural competencies. The Competency Assurance Program standardizes the necessary competencies required for an individual to complete a specific role within your organization. The Competency Assurance Program provides the framework for design and implementation of your organization’s training and development program.
Train the Assessor Program
TPL provides client employees with the required knowledge, skills and tools, through its Train the Assessor Program, so as to empower them to become workplace assessors. Having your own in-house assessors is advantageous as they are the ones most familiar with the normal work environment, policies and procedures. The assurance of an individual's competency is most readily determined in their own normal workplace; the assessment occurs in ‘real time' therefore minimizing the cost and disruption to your organization.
Train the Mentor Program
TPL provides employees from your organization with the required knowledge, skills and tools, through our Train the Mentor Program, to become effective workplace mentors thereby maximizing the benefits of your on-the-job training programs. Key areas addressed in this program include adult learning, mentoring techniques, effective communication, gap analysis and reporting.
Supply of Workplace Assessors
TPL provides workplace assessors as part of our manpower services commitment to your organization. Many of our staff are multi-disciplined and are able to complete workplace assessment in addition to other services such as on-the-job mentoring or training instruction.
Competency Assurance Audits
TPL provides a resource whereby your organization can call on us to provide input for an audit of your competency assurance program. Audits are an essential part of any system, ensuring that amongst other things standards are being maintained and that the lessons learned are being implemented accordingly. Having an external auditor provides non-partisan feedback; TPL can also draw on experience having provided services to a number of organizations in differing business sectors.