The potential of your organization will not be realized without a workforce that has in themselves had their potential realized. The benefits of effective training can be seen in:
- A safer workplace.
- Improved performance and productivity.
- Structured career development.
- A motivated and competent workforce.
Gap Analysis
TPL utilizes a number of techniques to determine the knowledge and/or skills gaps for individuals or groups within your organization. Development of a training program based on gap analysis leads to effective use of your training budget and a motivated workforce where the benefits of their newly learned knowledge and skills can be immediately realized. This approach can be used for new employees who require training in the core skills or for existing employees who need ‘top up’ courses as a result of such things as preparation for career or technological advancement.
Curriculum Development
TPL develops training programs based on gap analysis. Gaps in knowledge or skills have learning objectives, or competencies, assigned to them. Content is developed for learning objectives that, when delivered using appropriate and effective instructional techniques, lead to gap closure and, ultimately, a more competent and motivated workforce.
Competency Assurance
Competency assurance applies both to individuals that are new to the job and to those that have been completing the task for a number of years. TPL can assess your personnel in the normal workplace environment to ensure that, when completing assigned duties, they have, and are using, the necessary underpinning knowledge and skills required by your organization.
TPL provides, and has a first class background in providing training in 5 definite stages.
Classroom training is instructor led and in addition to providing instructors that are subject matter experts TPL also offers “Train the Trainer” programs for client employees so as to continuously ensure that our classroom training courses are being provided at the highest possible standard.
Simulation training can be instructor led or self taught and involves the use of either generic stand alone modules or custom built field specific programs. Programs are run on standard PC’s that can be networked together for more advanced programs.
Workshop training builds on the skills learnt in the classroom and allows the trainee to develop practical skills under the supervision and instruction of qualified TPL personnel.
Facility specific orientation training can be provided by TPL for your employees in advance of deployment to a new location within your organization. Training your personnel with insight into facility specifics in advance of deployment allows them to ‘hit the ground running’.
On-the-job training addresses the transition from the safe environment of the classroom or workshop to the hazardous worksite environment. This is a critical part of the development process that allows the trainee to bring together knowledge and practical skills in a ‘real time’ environment. Through mentoring and supervision, TPL personnel ensure that the trainee performs the task in a safe and timely manner. Gaps in knowledge or skills can be identified by TPL mentors and programs developed to close them.